What's the difference between resolved and closed?

Sometimes, we receive inquiries from users asking about the difference between Resolved versus Closed.

To begin, there are four issue or task statuses that are defaults in Backlog:

  1. Open
  2. In Progress
  3. Resolved
  4. Closed

They represent different stages in a workflow

Open: the issue has been added to the project, but it’s not being worked on yet.
In Progress: when a team member is working on the issue.
Resolved: when the team member has finished working on the issue.

In development, there is usually a step of reviews or tests

This helps to confirm that the issue (or software bug) has been correctly fixed, and is usually done by the QA (Quality Assurance) team or an appropriate team member.

Hence, after testing or reviews have confirmed that the issue is completely fixed and done, the issue is Closed.

In other workflows, for e.g. Marketing or Finance, resolved can also mean that the task is complete but it’s awaiting a further step of editing, checks, or final approval.

:bulb: Tip: Define your team’s workflow clearly at the start

The definition of Resolved and Closed may not be clear for team members, especially if they’d just joined your team and are unfamiliar with established workflows.

In order to avoid confusion and errors, it’s good to clearly define these statuses at the start, and communicate how they fit into the work process for team members. To do so, teams can use a shared document or Wiki page in the project to explain the terms and workflow. See the Benefits of using Backlog Wiki.

I hope that our explanation here is helpful for you. :grinning:

This post is adapted from our blog article: Resolved vs closed: What’s the difference? Please check it out for more information.