Default Assignee for New Issues?

Brand new here. Is there a way to set a certain person to automatically be assigned all new issues on a given project? This person’s job would then be to triage it and decide where it should be assigned.

Alternately, is there a way for me to turn off the filter on my dashboard, so that I can see all the open issues in all projects, regardless of who they are assigned to?

Hi @jesmith
Welcome to our community!

Is there a way to set a certain person to automatically be assigned all new issues on a given project?

Currently, it’s only possible to automatically set an assignee, if the issue is added via email, or if you add a tweak to this method, like using Google Forms to add issues.

is there a way for me to turn off the filter on my dashboard, so that I can see all the open issues in all projects, regardless of who they are assigned to?

Unfortunately, the Dashboard is not fully customizable. As a solution to see all the open issues in all projects regardless of assignees, you can use this method: How to view issues across all/multiple projects.

I hope this answers your questions :slightly_smiling_face: