View a member's activity in Backlog

If you’re a manager or you wish to see a member’s activity in Backlog, there’s a quick and convenient way to do it.

You can view:

  • the member’s recent activities in the Backlog space, such as comments, issue/status updates, pull requests, etc.
  • issues assigned to the member in their personal Gantt chart (if the issues have start/due dates filled)

:bulb: Using this feature, project managers can quickly view the member’s recent activities and work status in Backlog.

How to view a member’s activity

  1. At the global navigation, click on menu > Members to view the Members page.

  1. The members’ cards are listed here in alphabetical order according to their user names, with their last login date/time.

You can use the search button to filter the cards by name. Then, hover over a member’s card for the options to view their Activity or Gantt Chart.

  1. Click on Activity to view the selected member’s recent activities in the space.

You’ll be able to view their comments, issue updates, pull requests, file updates, etc.

  1. Click on Gantt Chart to view the member’s personal Gantt chart. The issues assigned to them will be displayed on the chart, if the issues have been filled with start or due dates.


  1. Personal Gantt Chart does not support the drag and drop function to change the start and due date of the task. The drag and drop function is only supported in the project Gantt Chart.

  2. The view of the member’s list is limited to your role/privileges in the organization.

    • Administrators/project admins will be able to view all members.
    • Normal members can only view the members who are participating in the same projects as them.

Gif of how to access Members page:

Backlog - view members activity