[Backlog for Android] Invite new members + View/Manage archived milestones

Did you know? Our Backlog for Android mobile app was updated with two new features:

  • Invite new members
  • View and manage archived milestones


Here’s how to use them.


Invite new members

  1. Tap on the Project’s Settings, followed by Members/Teams.


  1. Here, you can edit your project members or tap on the button to add new members.


View and manage archived milestones

  1. Tap on Project’s Settings, followed by Milestones.


2. You can view your project milestones here. If you tap on any of them, there will be a pop-up and you can edit the milestones. In this example, I’ll archive this milestone and tap save.



  1. Archived milestones will not be shown in the list. But if you tap on the context menu button and enable the tickbox for Archived, they will be shown.


I hope this post has been helpful for you.

You can also learn more Backlog updates on our blog.