Updates - new navigation drawer for Backlog for Android and more.

Hey Backloggers! (Just trying out another word besides ‘everyone’ :stuck_out_tongue:)

In case you didn’t know, we have a Backlog for Android app which you can use to access and manage your Backlog projects.

And if you already knew that, here are the latest updates for that app:

  1. New navigation drawer for convenient switching between organizations, and access to organization settings.

  2. Drag to reorder milestones, categories, and issue types under Settings.

Navigation Drawer

Our developers have added a navigation drawer menu to the home screen.

Just tap the hamburger button on the top-left corner, or slide right from the left edge of your phone screen, and you’ll see links to switch Organizations (if you belong to more than one Space/Organization), access Organization Settings, My Profile, and Logout.

Reorder milestones, categories and issue types under Settings.

When projects have many issue types, it’s useful to have the ones you use most often at the top of the selection menu. Now you can reorder Issue Types, milestones, and categories in the order of your choice.

This works similarly for Categories and Milestones in your project settings.

Tell us what you think, and look out for more Backlog updates on our blog!