Using Backlog issue key with Typetalk

Hi Backloggers,

issue keys are useful in many ways, the first of which is as a shortcut to link to issues (in both the same and different projects) within a Backlog space.

Similarly, issue keys can also be used as links in Nulab’s team chat app, Typetalk. Let me show you how it works.

For example, take this issue in the Community Demo project:


First, by clicking on the clipboard, I copied the issue key and subject:

COMDEMO-111 User has a question regarding chat feature

After copying, I paste it into our Typetalk chat topic (aka channel) for discussing community-related work, along with a short message to my team member:


After sending the message, this is how it looks in the topic.


Notice that the issue key (COMDEMO-111) is highlighted, this indicates that it is a link in Typetalk. 

If I mouse-over the link, a pop-up will display showing the issue contents:

The pop-up is a quick way to let users look at what the issue is about, so that everyone can understand the context and continue to have discussions without needing to find the issue.

Also, if users click on the issue key link, it will open a browser tab/window on the respective issue page where the full issue contents and comments are displayed. Fast and convenient.

I hope that you can try this out too, and enjoy working seamlessly with your members.

Here are some more community posts that are useful: