πŸ’‘ Tip: When a team member leaves, what happens to their diagrams?

One of the common questions that Cacoo teams might encounter, is what happens when a team member leaves? Will their diagrams be deleted? :thinking:

Well, the answer is their diagrams will not be deleted.

Instead, to make it easy for diagram management, ownership of their diagrams will be automatically transferred to other members (admins or folder owners) according to the transfer rules:

  • For private folder diagrams
  • For shared folder diagrams

:warning: Note: This is for when the member is removed/deleted from the organization. If the member is disabled on the member management page, ownership of their diagrams is not changed, and their diagrams will remain.

When a team member is deleted from their organization in Cacoo…

Their private folder diagrams are moved

  • Ownership of their private folder diagrams (including Home) will be transferred to the oldest active admin within the organization.

  • The deleted member’s diagrams, e.g. Janus’s diagrams, will be moved to a private folder under the targeted admin’s account, and the folder will be named as the deleted user’s name (e.g. Janus).

Note: Oldest active admin is based on the admin’s time of joining the organization.

Their shared folder diagrams will remain in the folders

  • If they have diagrams in shared folders, ownership of those diagrams will be transferred to the oldest active collaborator in the folder with β€œowner” or β€œeditor” privilege. Their diagrams will remain in the folders.

  • If the deleted user is the only collaborator in the shared folder with β€œowner” or β€œeditor” privilege, their diagrams’ ownership will transfer to the oldest active admin within the organization.

Note: Oldest active collaborator is based on the collaborator’s time of joining the folder.

What if you want to manually transfer ownership of the diagrams?

See How to change diagram owner