Mentions updated for User names and Team names

Hi everyone,

The Backlog team has released a new update: Mentions updated for user names and team names!

Previous vs. Now:

Mention users

Previously, when we use mentions to notify another user in Backlog, the unique id will be used.

E.g., when we @mention Toby, the mention will appear in Backlog as @Toby_ID (using the unique id). But now, with the new update, the mention will appear in Backlog as @Toby (using the user name).

Toby’s profile:

If you want to change your User Name or Unique ID, you can go to your personal settings and update your Nulab account. See our Edit Personal Settings support guide for details.

Mention Teams

Previously, when we mention a team, the names of the individual users will appear. E.g., if we mention @MarketingTeam, Backlog will show the user ids of the team, e.g., @Toby_id @Jenny_id @Soo_id, etc.

But now, Backlog will simply show the mention as the team’s name, i.e., @MarketingTeam. This is useful because if the team contains many users, showing all the individual user names will result in a long list in the issue description/comments. Now, showing just the team’s name is more concise and achieves the same effect of notifying all the team members.

Note: The two default mentions for notifying multiple users — @Project_Members and @Participants (for participants in the issue) — are still available. @Participants will show the individual @user_names.


  • Send mentions via the user’s name
  • Mentions are easier to see when entering text
  • Easier to delete mentions when entering text
  • Mentions are displayed with highlights, making it easier to distinguish them

Note: Copying and pasting text that contains mentions will not activate the mention function, i.e., copied mentions will not send out notifications.

Backlog Mobile

The latest versions of Backlog mobile apps (iOS/Android) have the updated mention feature too. It works the same as the browser version; type @ or select the @ button to bring up a list of user names to mention.

Backlog Android mentions

Usefulness of team function

The Team function is useful for adding team members to projects and for sending notifications to its members easily. See Utilising team function in Backlog. Learn how to view and create teams.

Let us know what you think of this update in the replies. :point_down::slightly_smiling_face:

…when we @mention Toby, the mention will appear in Backlog as @Toby_ID (using the unique id). But now, with the new update, the mention will appear in Backlog as @Toby (using the user name).

Hi soohian, it appears this feature isn’t working for me. I’ve just got:

Any tip for me?

hmm ok it looks ok now!

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Hi @tatsuonatsukawa
Welcome to the community!

I’m glad it’s resolved now, perhaps it was a temporary display issue.
Thank you for informing us!