How to find "Recently Viewed" issues and wikis quickly

Want to view a recent Backlog issue or wiki, but you’ve forgotten where it’s located?

Here’s a solution: use the Recently Viewed tab! :smiley:
You can use it to find your 50 recently viewed issues and wikis across all projects.

Backlog - recently viewed shortcut

See recently viewed issues

  1. At the top global bar, click on Recently Viewed and select Issues.
  2. Enter keywords to filter and find issues.
  3. Click on the issue to open it in the current window. Or hover over the issue for two other options at the side: Open this issue in the dialog, and Copy issue key and title to clipboard.
  4. Click Next to view the next page of the list.

:thinking: What’s the use of copying issue key and title?
In your Backlog space, you can paste the issue key in another project, issue, wiki page or pull request, and the issue key becomes a hyperlink to the issue. It’s also a neater way of linking to issues instead of using URL addresses.

:bulb: Tip: You can hold Shift while clicking on the clipboard icon to copy only the issue key (without the issue title).

See recently viewed wikis

  1. Similar to the above, click on Recently Viewed and select Wikis.
  2. Enter keywords to filter and find wikis from the list.
  3. Click on the wiki title to open it in the current window. Or hover over it for the Clipboard button to copy the URL address of the wiki page.
  4. Click Next to view the next page.

This tip is very simple, but we might forget it sometimes.

Just use it more often and it’ll be easier to remember, and you can quickly find issues and wikis in Backlog! :muscle: