Global Navigation UI updates

:mega:We have made some updates and improvements on our Global Navigation. 


Recently Viewed

We have merged up issues and wikis into one tab on our Global Navigation. When you go to Recently Viewed , you will find your recently viewed issues and recently viewed wikis there. To search within the recently viewed issues or wikis, just input a keyword into the search menu to get the results. 



You will find the blue “+” icon on our Global Navigation. Here you can perform the add function quickly. 

The add menu will display differently when you accessed them via the Dashboard page or Project page.

While accessing via:

1. Dashboard Page

An administrator will have access to all options while the normal member has access to the “Add Issue” option only.


2. Project Page

Besides the default option, all user will have the additional 2 options - “Add Issue (Project name)” or “Add Wiki (Project name)” within the Project.