Bulk Issue registration via Google Sheets

Based on our last sharing about product updates - manage your integrations from project settings, today we’ll share about bulk issue registration via Google Sheets.


  • With the API rate limit, this function is only available to the Starter, Standard, and Premium plan users.
  • This function cannot be used/run in parallel as it will exceed the API rate limit.

This is useful for organizations or users in the following scenarios:

  • When similar or fixed issues are required to be raised across different projects.
  • When there are recurring tasks to be registered.
  • Importing bulk issues from 1 project to Backlog via CSV. 

The biggest benefit of this ability to group issues or tasks in bulk and add them all at once on Backlog is that it maximizes your team productivity - saving you valuable time and effort.

This function is available across all Backlog plans and you can access it through the Integrations page at your Project Settings.

Click on the “Details” button for “Bulk issue registration” and it will open up a Github webpage with instructions


Some Highlights :nerd_face:

  1. After logging in to your Google Account, simply make a copy of the spreadsheet. 

2.   Fill in the details and follow the indicated STEP 1 and STEP 2 in the document.

Note: Do not delete the pre-filled data in the sheet BEFORE executing STEP 1. This will result in the error: There is no data on the sheet. You can delete the pre-filled data AFTER executing STEP 1, and then enter your issue information in the sheet.

3.   Successfully registered issues/tasks will be reflected on the newly created spreadsheet and bulk issues will be registered on Backlog .


The github page has the complete guide on how you can register your bulk issues via Google Sheets. Simply follow the guide to start registering your issues in bulk. :muscle:t2:

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Error while acquiring definitions from Backlog

In some situations, you may encounter this error while executing STEP 1 above:

We’re sorry, a server error occurred while reading from storage. Error code PERMISSION_DENIED.

The reason may be because you are logged into a different Google account for your internet browser compared to your Google Sheet user account. See screenshot below:

How to fix PERMISSION_DENIED error

It’s easy to fix this. Just use the same Google account for your browser and Google Sheet.

To switch your browser account, click on your profile photo on the top right, and select the account you want to use. Refer to Switch between multiple Google Accounts for further details.

This will open a new browser window. Then you can open the same Google Sheet using its URL address.

When you are logged in as the same Google account for the internet browser and sheet, it will be smooth to execute STEP 1 (acquiring definitions from Backlog) without errors.