Backlog API requests limits

To keep Backlog running smoothly, we will begin limiting the number of API requests that users can send to the API server.

Below is a summary of the limits; please see the Backlog product update page or API Rate Limit documentation for full details.

Who is affected:

All users who use a Backlog API key will be affected. Such as for the following uses:

  • Bulk issue registration via Google Sheets
  • Jira migration to Backlog
  • Redmine Importer to Backlog


  • For existing Backlog spaces, the rate limits will apply at the end of July 2021. This gives users about 6 months to make any necessary adjustments.
  • For new Backlog spaces, the rate limits will be applied starting today (January 25th, 2021)

Note: With the rate limits, free plan spaces will not be able to use the above features/integrations after July 2021. To continue using them, you can upgrade to the paid plan.

Types of limitations:

  1. Per user and per-minute basis: If a user exceeds the number of requests within a minute, a 429 Too Many Requests response will be returned. The limit will be reset a minute later. Note: This limit is per user, not per API key. If a user creates API key 1 and API key 2, they will be subject to the same limitations across both.

  2. API type basis: Requests with a high load on the system will be more strictly limited than requests with low loads.

  3. Plan type basis: To prevent DoS attacks, free plan spaces will be more restricted than paid plan spaces.

Rate limit specifications

For best practices in using the Backlog API and more details, please see the product update page or API Rate Limit documentation

Thank you for your cooperation regarding these limitations

We apologize for any inconvenience caused by modifying your own software or workflows.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we work to create the best experience possible when working with Backlog. Thank you!