Team Admin vs Its Privileges

Previously, we talked about how you can utilize “Team” function in Backlog to manage members easily. To utilize the team function, first, you will need to create a Team in Organization Settings.


What is a Team?

It is a function to manage or categorize your Backlog space users/members according to their workgroups or interests.


What is Team Admin?

Team admin acts as an administrator who has access to manage teams, such as to add members to the team, delete members, or assign other team members to become team admins.

By default, the team admin role will be assigned to the member who creates a new team in the Organization Settings page.


Member’s Role vs Operations

*Administrator and Member roles are able to view all teams in the organization settings. Guest roles are only able to view the teams which they are invited to.


Team Admin Privileges

As a team admin, you can: 

  1. Add members to the team.


  1. Manage team settings such as edit team photo, team name, add new team admin, manage the team options & delete the team.



If you have a big team working cross-regionally in the same project, you can manage your members or teams easily with this function. 


You can delegate team-admin roles to team leaders, so that they can manage the team, such as ensuring that the team members’ list is up-to-date.

To learn more about how the team function can benefit you, you can check out this article.