Sort comments in issue

We have some issues in Backlog where there are over 100 comments and updates. It can be cumbersome to scroll down to the bottom to get to the latest comments. Is there a way, or is it on the roadmap, to be able to sort the comments list when viewing an issue? Thanks!

Hi @jraymunt

Welcome to our community!

When viewing an issue, normally the 3 latest comments show up, and you can choose to “Show all” and “Get old comments”.

We are so sorry there is no “Sort comments” function currently. Our dev team will consider it for improving Backlog in the future.

Hi, just following up to see if this is on the roadmap. We’re still finding this to be our users preference, to have the most recent comments on top. When there are over 100 comments, it is cumbersome to scroll all the way to the bottom to get to the most recent comment.

We are so sorry this feature is not in our immediate plan yet, and we will see if there are more users have the same need.

By the way, does that “Display 3 latest comments” feature work for you?
Ref: [Issue Page Settings]

It does help, however if you need to get slightly older than 3 then you end up needing to expand all and scroll for quite a while if there are many comments.