Pasting Images from Clipboard, and more updates

Hi Backlog users!


Backlog has recently updated some new features:

  • Adding images via clipboard
  • Button to clear notifications on comments
  • New Gantt chart button on dashboard


Adding Images via Clipboard

Besides uploading, dragging and dropping, you can now paste an image from your clipboard.

  1. Select the ‘Attach file’ button to open the attachment dialog.

  2. Then simply paste your image from your clipboard.

  3. Add an image tag


This feature is supported on Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. (Not supported on IE11.)


Clear notifications

We’ve also added a X button on the Notify comment to: field, so that you can easily clear the field.



Show my Gantt chart

Finally, there’s a new ‘Gantt Chart’ button at the top of the ‘My Issues’ section of your dashboard.


Use it to view your issues in a Gantt chart to plan your work.


Try out these new feature updates and give us your feedback!