Deleting your Project

Besides creating a project, an Administrator can easily manage and delete the project in space settings.

To delete a project, go to Space Settings > Project > click the “x” button beside the Project.


After clicking the delete (x) button, a dialogue box will pop up to re-confirm that you want to delete the project by requesting you to enter the project name or project key.

“Delete this project” button will only be available once the project name or project key have been entered correctly.


  • All project keys are in capital letters.
  • Project name and project key is case-sensitive.


Some points you might not be aware of when deleting a project:

  • Once a project is deleted, the action is irreversible.
  • All the issues, comments, shared files, Wikis, and repositories in the project will be deleted.
  • A deleted project cannot be retrieved by Backlog.