Changes in our data deletion policy

We have updated our data deletion policy in our Nulab terms of service.
This pertains to section 2(3)Deletion of user data in the Nulab Service Supplemental Terms regarding Privacy and Security.

Nulab will now automatically delete organizations when their trial plan has ended or their subscriptions have ended after the stated number of days.


Before the update:

Previously, organizations that have ended their product trials or have not made subscription payments, would remain suspended. These organizations would not be auto-deleted until users request to delete them.

After the update:

  1. When their Backlog/Cacoo/Typetalk trial plan has ended, the organization will be automatically deleted 30 days after the trial end date.

  2. When their Backlog/Cacoo/Typetalk subscription has ended, the organization will be automatically deleted 90 days after the end date of the contract payment period.

Note: Plan admins of affected organizations will receive an email notification from Nulab about the deletion of their organization data.

You can learn more about our service terms in the Nulab Service Supplemental Terms regarding Privacy and Security page.

We take the protection of user data seriously, hence policy reviews and updates are regularly implemented as a step towards this objective.

Thank you for your continued support!