Dear ALL, is there ANY support for RTL languages?
Any sign of it?
Since, in general, Markdown supports HTML tags. But not in the Backlog.
Did I miss something?
Or at least HTML tags like <div dir=rtl> in the Backlog?
Any thought will be appreciated.
Thank you for your post, and questions.
Please note, we are consulting this further with our technical team. I will keep you informed of any updates as soon as I hear back from the team.
In the meantime, please let me know if you have any other questions, we’re always happy to assist.
Hi ABR, I’m just following up on the RTL languages inquiry.
Our technical team has confirmed that the RTL languages are not currently supported.
HTML tags are also not supported in Backlog, please see the link on Markdown formatting rules below.
Please let us know if you have any further questions, we’re always happy to assist.
So bad, I really like Nulab Backlog, since it is clean and simple, but most of my clients are Hebrew and Arabic speaking, so I’ll continue my search for another task tracking app.
Thanks for the fast response.
Alex Abraham
Thank you for your reply!
We have shared your feedback on RTL languages support with our development team to review.
Please let us know if you have any other questions.