New widget & updates in Backlog for iOS

Hi Backlog iOS users,


we have a number of great updates to share with you!


  • New Backlog users can sign up through the mobile app.
  • Upload more file types (.pdf, .zip, etc)
  • Backlog for iOS widget
  • Auto-insert markdown syntax
  • Checkmarks to mark items as done


Sign up for Backlog


The mobile version of Backlog was initially meant to be a companion app for existing Backlog users. But recently, we noticed that new users were downloading the app and getting disappointed when they found out they couldn’t sign up directly.


Now, users can choose to log in or sign up if they don’t have an account.



Upload more file types


Besides photo and video uploads, now you can attach other file types to your Backlog issues. Such as .pdf or .zip files.



Backlog for iOS widget


When you have upcoming issues that are due soon, the Backlog widget will display them to notify you. There’s also an ‘Add New’ issue button and shortcuts to 3 recently opened projects.



Auto-insert markdown syntax


Typing on mobile is hard - all those little keys! So we’ve made it easier with this feature that automatically inserts the markdown syntax for your next list item.



Checkmarks to mark done items

Now you can tap the checkboxs in issue descriptions to mark items as done. Isn’t this nifty?



What do you think of these updates? We welcome your thoughts.