Tool to copy Backlog project settings to another project


I created a tool to copy project settings (issue types, categories, custom statuses, milestones/versions) to another project, called Copy Backlog Settings.

The way it works is similar to the Bulk Issue Registration via Sheets.

It’s also a google sheet which you run from your google account. Written with google apps script to send data to Backlog API.

Feel free to use it or customize it. Copy this sheet.


  • Wait 5-6 seconds for the “CopySettings” button to appear at end of the File Edit View menu row.
  • When you use CopySettings the first time, you may see a Google warning, but you can click Advanced and select your Google account.
  • After the Google warning, click CopySettings again and choose your option to copy settings over.
  • Data is only passed between your Google account and Backlog Space, not anywhere else.
  • You can check the code and customize it for your own use. See the code by clicking Tools > Script Editor


  1. You will need to run Copy Issue Types twice for Issue Types to display in the same order as source project.
  2. Custom Statuses are copied over, but you have to manually change their order in project settings.
  3. For destination project, please use a totally new project to avoid erasing your existing settings.

Hi @Justin222 ,

Welcome to our community!

Thank you for sharing this tool you’ve built!